
HI GEAR Cermet sealant for cooling system repairs 325ml
Professional latest technology repair tool. Guaranteed to prevent antifreeze (tosole) leaks along the block head seal. Particularly effective in preventing leaks through the additional seal. Repair cracked aluminum or cast iron heads and engine blocks with welding strength. Safely prevents strong leaks in copper, aluminum and compositions in radiators, heat carriers and heating taps. The product contains a unique combination of fine ceramic fibers, giving the surface to be repaired additional strength characteristics. The composition enters the place of leakage with the cooled liquid, forming a metal-ceramic stopper, which begins to expand as it polymerizes. The leak is sealing. Thanks to the metal-like expansion temperature coefficient and the elasticity of the ceramic fibers, a long-lasting effect is ensured. American experts have come to the conclusion that this product does not lag behind the famous Metallic Radiator & Block Seal in terms of efficiency. It can prevent most serious damage to parts caused by overheating or cooling. The package is designed for 10-22L coolant. Made in the USA.